A 90-Day Journey Back to Yourself

You are an amazing mother. You know this is true, deep down inside, but somehow when it comes to the actual day-to-day of parenting, the mother you truly are struggles to break through.

Instead, you feel like you’re constantly treading water, desperately trying to find the calm in the chaos – let alone hold on to it. The anxiety, the chronic hypervigilance, the making yourself busy with a million other things so you can still feel productive without dealing with those big family feelings you can’t bear to face again. The never quite managing to say what you really mean and the strain it has on all your relationships. The guilt over the resentment of feeling like that interesting, joyful woman you were just seems to have vanished.

You’ve read all the books, listened to all the podcasts, tried every gentle approach and parenting script, perhaps even done all the therapy, desperate to break those old habits and cycles passed down from previous generations, but somehow she’s always just out of reach – the mother you want to be.

The mother who is actually present with her children, no matter what developmental stage they’re going through.

The mother who can handle and hold her children with love and compassion through their ups and downs.

The mother who is truly there for her children, as well as herself.

The mother who is caring and creating, rather than reacting.

The mother who models and teaches the emotional and communication skills she wants to her children to learn and develop for their own lives.

The mother who is still the fascinating and fun woman she was before she became a mother.

The mother who has an intimate and loving connection with her partner.

The mother who feels joy in motherhood.

So if you’re tired of feeling like you’re drowning in motherhood, if you are intent on breaking the cycle and giving your children the life tools you know you’re missing, if you want to reconnect with yourself and rekindle your connection with your partner, join me on a 90-day journey back to yourself.

During this course, you will:

    • Experience a significant reduction in daily anxiety levels 
    • Feel more present and engaged with your children 
    • Have the tools to stay present and calm when life is feeling overwhelming and chaotic, which you can model and pass on to your children
    • Be able to model to your children how to calm, communicate and connect with others
    • Feel a deep sense of connection and satisfaction in your relationships with yourself, your children and your partner
    • Build your ability to communicate your thoughts and feelings with kindness and effectiveness
    • Drop the heavy burden of all the coping mechanisms you’ve consciously or unconsciously developed 
    • Actually enjoy motherhood! (Yes, it exists!!)
    • Experience the support of a community of like-minded mothers
    • Find your way back to the woman you were (and are) before you became a mother

    This journey is for you if:

    • You feel a deep sense of disconnect with yourself, your children and/or your partner you just can’t seem to find a way around
    • You are constantly finding ways to be busy to distract or occupy yourself from how difficult it is to connect in the way you want to
    • You want to create a relationship with your children that (goes beyond/is better than) your relationship with your parents
    • You are ready to break the cycle of parenting practices you don’t want to pass on to the next generation, your children
    • You know there is a better way to communicate what you want to express, but you just don’t know how
    • You feel constantly on edge, anxious or hypervigilant and struggle to switch it off, which means your parenting feels reactive and out of control
    • You’ve read all the books, you’ve listened to all the podcasts, you may have even done all the therapy, but you’re still not feeling that real, lasting connection with yourself, your children and your partner
    • You want to access the mother inside you you know deep down you truly are

    What will the journey look like?

    From the top of the month when your journey begins, you will have access to your online portal with on-demand resources, ready for you to peruse and work with in your own time alongside our live sessions.

    Throughout your 90-day journey, we will meet live online for 90 minutes on Tuesdays and 60 minutes on Thursdays. Tuesdays will focus on achieving a state of calm, confidence, and connection through experiential healing practices that focus on regulating your nervous system and quietening your busy mind with me and will be with just your group of five women to create a safe space for you to share and explore. Thursdays will centre around exploring topics from the online content, ensuring clarity and understanding on conscious relationships, communication, and other relevant themes with Ashley Parker MBACP, an expert in relationships and communication.  These sessions will be joined by women from any of the groups on the journey at that time.

    In our first four weeks, we will be focussing on connection to self. This is all about giving yourself the resources to be able to navigate transitions and change smoothly. You’ll gain new perspectives on  change, personal growth, and emotional resilience and learn the foundational tools and skills to reflect on your experiences, understand the psychological aspects of change, and embrace new beginnings.

    In our second four weeks, we will be focussing on honouring your relationship with yourself. This is all about deepening self-awareness to be able to nurture self-love and healing. You’ll gain new perspectives on conscious communication, the impact of trauma, and self-responsibility and learn the foundational tools and skills to embrace personal responsibility, explore the subconscious mind, and engage in self-reflective practices..

    In our final four weeks, we will be turning our attention to rekindling our relationships with others, particularly our children and our partner. This is all about fostering connection to be able to build stronger, healthier relationships. You’ll gain new perspectives on conscious decision-making, the influence of past experiences, and healing relational wounds and learn the foundational tools and skills to practice conscious communication, heal fragmented parts, and celebrate the transformative journey together.

    Week 1 – 4: Connection to Self (Resourcing)

    Online Content:

    • Introduction to the transition curve and understanding change.
    • Exploring the emotional journey of transitioning.
    • Making space and letting go: Grieving loss and embracing the new.
    • Rituals and ceremonies to mark transitions.


    • Window of tolerance and feeling safe in our bodies.
    • Exploring what it means to feel safe.
    • Introduction to the pelvic bowl as the seat of emotions.
    • Silent counseling and meridian points.

    Week 5 – 8: Honouring Relationship with Self

    Online Content:

    • Changing relationships: Introducing conscious relationships.
    • Understanding the energetics of trauma.
    • Parenting and attachment: Nature vs. nurture, archetypes, transactional analysis, and more.
    • Conscious communication: Moving from shadow to illumination.


    • Embracing shame and self-love.
    • Power of words: Raising vibrations and speaking truth.
    • Introduction to the subconscious mind and hypnotherapy.
    • Introduction to parts of ourselves and their roles.

    Week 9 – 12: Rekindling Relationship with Others (Partner/Children)

    Online Content:

    • Transactional analysis and accepting help.
    • Influence of personal experiences on relationships.
    • Maternal gatekeeping and attachment style as an adult.
    • Concepts like radical responsibility, aligned intention, and action = experience.


    • Stop, Look, Adjust: Conscious decision-making from the higher self.
    • Healing fractured/fragmented parts.
    • Reviewing the transition curve and reflecting on the journey.
    • Closing ceremony.

    The course includes a 90-day journey across:

    • 12 x 90 minute live online sessions focused on experiential healing practices 
    • 12 x 60 minute live online sessions focused on content discussion and Q&A
    • On-demand video sessions with lifetime access
    • Recorded meditations ready for you to work with when you need them
    • A range of journal prompts, access to easy-to-read pdfs with useful information that covers a range of topics related to how we engage and relate to each other, why, and what to do about using the information to improve our experiences


    To support your journey, you will receive:

    • Access to a dedicated portal where recordings of all live sessions will be shared throughout the duration of the course
    • A wealth of on-demand resources to support your live sessions, including short videos, guided meditations and additional resources
    • A private WhatsApp group for your group to share with each other in a safe space during the journey, where I will be involved
    • An invitation to join our community WhatsApp group where women who are currently on the journey or who have previously completed it can connect


    Practical topics and skills you will learn include:

    • Understanding and navigating the transition curve
    • Exploring and processing emotions associated with change
    • Developing conscious communication and self-awareness
    • Embracing personal responsibility and aligned intention
    • Healing fractured/fragmented parts and fostering relational connections
    • Reflecting on the influence of past experiences on current relationships
    • Engaging in conscious decision-making and self-reflection practices

    There are two options for joining the journey:

    £997 pay in full

    3x £333

    Each group is limited to 5 women to ensure a safe and intimate container.

    At enrolment, you will have the option of previewing the dates for the next two upcoming cohorts and joining the one that best suits you.


    So if you’re ready to drop into your body, regulate your nervous system and rewire your subconscious to connect with yourself on a deep level, reclaim your identity and rekindle your relationships so you can be more present, joyful and connected with your children, join me on a 90-day journey back to yourself.


    Have more questions you’d like to ask before starting your journey?


    Feel free to send me a message on Whatsapp or drop me an email here.

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